• Tata Ace
  • Tata 407
  • Tata Signa 4825.TK
  • Tata Intra
  • Tata 1612g LPT
  • Tata 1009g LPT

Tata ace is the type of truck which is the best segment in the this price It comes around 3 – 4 Lakhs .the milage of Tata ace is 20 – 22 km the weight pickup pass is 710 – 750kg. the length , breadth or height of pickup is 3800nm * 1490nm * 300nm.

TATA LPT 407 - Features, Specification ...

Tata 407 it generates the power of 74.02 hp it it engine is of 2956 CC and it fuel time capacity 60 liters and payload is 3980 KGS the churches type is churches with cabin and the body option is half body

TATA LPT 407 - Features, Specification ...

Tata Signa 4825.TK it generates the power of 250 HP it has 16 number of tyre and gross weight is 47,500 KG the mileage is 6 kilometer and the engine is of 6692 CC and fuel tank is of 300 litre this truck is designed for the robust performance.

Tata Trucks: Tata Motors launches Intra ...

Tata Intra is the is the best truck in this segment it has four number of generates the power of 69 HP the gross rate is 2565 KG the mileage is of 14 kilometre an engine is of 1496 cc

Tata Trucks: Tata Motors launches Intra ...

Tata 1612g LPT is the most powerful it generates the power of 125 HP the gross weight is 16,140 KG it had 6 tires the fuel tank is about 530 litres. it come with 1 driver seat and 1 passanger seat

Tata Trucks: Tata Motors launches Intra ...

Tata 1009g LPT is the container truck which engine is of 3783 CC and mileage is of 8 kilometer the gross weight of the container truck is 9900 KG and it has 6 number of tile and food type is CNG the fuel tank capacity Is 300 100 litres

Tata best selling trucks

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